19 Apr 2012

One hello and three points of happiness

The last weeks (or actually the last months) I've been busy working on the bookazine, playing with the layouts, swearing at the layouts, co-creating illustrations with my best buddy Sarah and driving my boyfriend nuts (he probably wouldn't use the term 'go nuts', but I'm sure he was at least a teeny bit annoyed) by obsessing about the whiteness-colour ratio on the pages of the book.

But anyhow, today has been a very nice day, and I have collected three Happiness Points.

The first one was found waiting for me behind the door when I came home. It was a package with a certain Smith Journal inside it. In case you haven't heard of it, Smith Journal is a fairly new publication for discerning gents and ladies who like reading about discerning gents. It's also the first men's magazine I have ever had on my bookshelf, and concluding from the way the first few pages made my heart melt, it might even become one of my all time favourite publications. One Happiness Point!


The second Happiness Point smelled like fresh ink, as today was the day that I marched to a printer to print a mini-version of my bookazine baby. Officially, it will be born this summer with a healthy weight of about 95 pages (some of which are still in progress), but being able to leaf through a miniature of it already now makes me bounce off the walls. Two Happiness Points! Illustration on the image here is made by Daria, one of my favourite collage artists.


And the third Happiness Point? Well, that one comes simply from knowing that I've still got some chocolate stored in my drawer.

Not for long, though... (insert evil laughter here)


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